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The Hook: The 4 Secrets of the Happiest, Wealthiest and Most Successful, derived from research by Stanford University. Now we've condensed these practices into a breakthrough technology that only takes 3 minutes a day.
Content: Solid content that covers the research, background. And we cover the 4 secrets in detail, before offering them a technology that will automate all 4 secrets into 3 minutes a day.
Author: Eric Taller
Niche Market: Personal Development & Self Improvement
Demographic: Men & Women 25 & Older. Clickbank Vendor ID: thoughtele Product Price: $47 Front End Commissions: 75% For Front End & All Upsells (Earn Up to $193/Sale) + 40% on Rebills
Contact: Contact affiliate manager via skype below:
Skype Andrew: andrew.rusbatch
Skype Daniel Toh: hypnoticvsl
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Below you'll find pre-written emails to send to your subscribers telling them about 1) The Wealth, Happiness, and Success Quiz, 2) The Brain Elevation Success Kit Gift and 3) The VSL. Simply copy the text from the boxes below, and modify the email to suit your style.
Make sure you insert the appropriate 'Firstname' etc tags for your autoresponder, and insert your affiliate hoplink.
Quiz Affiliate Link:
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Subject: [60 second quiz] Are you programmed for wealth and success?
Subject: 60 second wealth & success quiz (get your free assessment)
Subject: What's holding you back? Take this quiz to find out
Hi [firstname]
Are you programmed for wealth, happiness and success?
Take this 60 second quiz to find out (and receive your personalised quiz
==> Click Here to take the 60 second Quiz (Are you programmed for wealth?)
Once you fill in the quiz above, you'll discover exactly what is holding you back
from living a life of wealth, joy and success (and what to do about it!)
You'll also receive a free video that teaches you the secret to unlocking your
wealth potential so that you can live your richest most abundant future.
Follow this link and discover more about yourself...
==> Are YOU Programmed for Wealth, Happiness & Success?
Enjoy and have a great day!
Kind regards,
Your Name
Optin Page Affiliate Link:
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SUBJECT: Practice DOESN'T Make Perfect - Free Book and Mp3!
SUBJECT: Stanford University's Shortcut to Success - Free Book and Mp3!
SUBJECT: Free Book and Mp3 - Why Success ISN'T About Hard Work
SUBJECT: Free Book and Mp3 - Hard Work Is NOT The Key To Success
I've got a fantastic gift for you today.
And best of all, you can download this right now to start using the REAL, scientifically proven secret to success.
Follow this link...
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
This life-changing Brain Elevation Success Kit reveals the secret shared by millionaire (and billionaire) entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, and Steve Jobs...
...and proven to work by Stanford University neuroscientists.
And here's the best part:
Anyone can use it to achieve their goals WITHOUT hard work.
The Kit contains a special report, a special video file and an Mp3 audio file.
So whether you want to write a bestseller, find your soulmate, or start a business worth $100 million, all you need is this simple technique... so make sure you download your personal kit while it's still available:
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
Don't miss this. Make sure you read the book and listen to the Mp3 right away.
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
P.S. Once you know the REAL, scientifically proven secret to success, you'll feel the excitement of knowing all your deepest desires are EMBARRASSINGLY close!
Here's the link again:
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
Optin Page Affiliate Link:
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SUBJECT: [FIRSTNAME], did you miss this?
Just checking in to make sure you received your Brain Elevation Success Kit?
The book and Mp3 contain the REAL, scientifically proven secret to success([HINT: it's NOT hard work!)
Download it right now while it's still free:
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
Imagine having the secret success technique used by people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and even Albert Einstein!
Being able to live your dream life...
...Without any hard work.
This is the secret to finding wealth, happiness, health, better relationships, and accomplishing all of your goals... Make sure you download it now while it's still free:
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
Most people especially like the Mp3 and the video, since it automatically Elevates their Brains to effortlessly achieve their deepest desires.
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
P.S. I'm not sure how much longer this will be available for free, so download your personal copy quick:
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
SUBJECT: Your Brain Elevation Success Kit
I have an amazing gift to share with you.
I'm especially excited because you can download it right now and use it to effortlessly turn your dreams into your reality...
...without hard work, and using the same secret tricks as people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and even Albert Einstein!
It's called the Brain Elevation Success Kit.
>>>Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
This thrilling, life-changing kit includes a special report, a short video, and an mp3 audio file.
Each is jam-packed with the information and the technology you need to start watching your deepest desires come to life...
...without hard work, stress, or struggle.
Whether you're aiming for increased wealth, success, health, or just all-around happiness... don't miss you chance to download your free kit while it's still available.
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
Make sure you start using your kit RIGHT AWAY... so you can discover why hard work is NOT the secret to success.
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
P.S. Your jaw is going to drop once you realize just how EASY it is to turn your dreams into reality. Grab your FREE kit while it's still available:
>>> Click here for your Brain Elevation Success Kit [LINK]
VSL Affiliate Link: http://YOURCLICKBANKID.thoughtele.hop.clickbank.net
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SUBJECT: Practice DOESN'T Make Perfect
SUBJECT: Take this shortcut to "Fine-Tune" your success (unusual trick)
SUBJECT: I know it sounds odd, but success ISN'T about hard work...
Hi, it's [NAME] here,
A new study reveals that... "Practice Makes Perfect" is this century's biggest success myth.
The truth is...
Successful people's brains are finely-tuned for creativity.
But don't worry... it's not something you're born with. In fact, all it takes is a little 3-minute trick...
...used by CEOs like Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, and Steve Jobs...
...and proven by Stanford neuroscientists.
And here's the best part: Anyone can use it to tune their mind to be creative and achieve success.
Whether you want to write a bestseller or start a business worth $100 million, all you need is this
3-minute trick.
Click the link below to...
>>>Find out the 3-minute trick to fine-tune your creativity, and achieve your goals and dreams (LINK)
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
SUBJECT: Fortune 500 CEOs do this every day
SUBJECT: Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Richard Branson shared this secret
SUBJECT: "The fastest, easiest, and least expensive way" to achieve success
Hi, it's [NAME] here,
Do you know what Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Albert Einstein have in common?
(I mean, besides being super-successful geniuses.)
Here's the answer:
They all used a secret "Brain Elevation" Technique to achieve success.
>>>Click here to discover the secret Brain Elevation Technique and achieve your dreams without hard work
This secret has led to the success of countless entrepreneurs, writers, artists, and regular people like you and me.
In fact, whatever your dreams are...
...using this secret practically GUARANTEES success...
...while not using it practically guarantees FAILURE.
One millionaire CEO said that this secret "is probably the fastest, easiest, and least expensive way of getting more than you could ever imagine."
So the question is...
Why aren't YOU using Brain Elevation?
Click the link below for a simple, efficient technique to reach effortless success without hard work.
>>>Click here to discover the secret Brain Elevation Technique and achieve your dreams without hard work
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
SUBJECT: Are you using the most effective meditation technique?
SUBJECT: Meditate like THIS to literally reprogram your subconscious
SUBJECT: Only ONE Style of Meditation Leads to Success (Simple Technique)
Hi, it's [NAME] here,
Are you meditating in the Alpha State... ...or the Theta State?
Because only Theta State Meditation is like hypnotizing your own mind.
And only Theta State Meditation makes your brain pliable as clay...
...letting you reprogram your subconscious to be more positive, determined, and creative.
It's the secret to success without hard work.
To find out how to use Theta State Meditation to effortlessly achieve your goals, click
the link below...
>>>Start using the secrets of Theta State Meditation to achieve success (LINK)
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
SUBJECT: Steve Jobs' Secret "Mind Technology"
SUBJECT: Steve Job's Secret to Enhance Creativity
SUBJECT: New Reports Surface: Steve Jobs' Secret to Success
SUBJECT: How Steve Jobs Trained His Brain For Success
Here's what Steve Jobs said about his secret "Mind Technology"...
"You see so much more than you could see before."
A personal friend of Jobs' told Inc. Magazine the meaning of the quote: This "Mind Technology"
was the secret behind Steve Jobs' creativity, clarity, and success.
It opened his mind to see and to act on opportunities for success... making him one of the most
successful entrepreneurs in history!
Before he found wealth, people called Steve Jobs crazy for using this secret "Mind Technology"...
But the magazine Scientific American reported on studies from major universities that show how
these secrets have been benefiting people's bodies and minds for thousands of years...
And how it can be YOUR easy path to success.
To find out more about Steve Jobs' personal meditation techniques, click the link below...
>>>Discover Steve Jobs' Secret to Success - a Reality Bending "Mind Technology" (LINK)
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
SUBJECT: The science behind hypnosis (and the secret to success)
SUBJECT: What a hypnotist taught me about success
SUBJECT: This hypnotist's success trick will change your life
Hi, it's [NAME] here,
I just found some fascinating new research on the science of success.
Have you ever seen a hypnotist at work? They program people's minds to do whatever they command. Sometimes it's for a laugh, like when they make someone on stage cluck like a chicken...
...but there's also hypnotists who help people. Millions of people have quit smoking thanks to hypnotism.
What some people don't understand, is that hypnotism is NOT magic, it's NOT pseudoscience, and it's NOT any kind of fake mumbo jumbo.
Hypnotism "reprograms" your brain by using a specific brainwave pattern called Theta Waves.
And now, success experts have figured out a 3-minute technique to use the science behind hypnotism to automatically "reprogram" your brain to effortlessly achieve success...
....without hard work, stress, or struggle.
Click the link to see how it works:
>>>Use the secret science behind hypnotism to turn your dreams into reality [LINK]
No, you're NOT hypnotizing yourself...
You're just tapping into the same brainwave frequency that hypnotists use, with a simple 3-minute trick.
Go ahead and click the link to discover how this secret science can change your life:
>>>Use the secret science behind hypnotism to turn your dreams into reality [LINK]
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
SUBJECT: Why I stopped depending on "hard work"
SUBJECT: Hard work will NOT change your life (here's what will)
SUBJECT: What makes millionaires unique (HINT: It's not "hard work")
Hi, it's [NAME] here,
And I know it sounds odd, but if you want success...
...STOP relying on hard work.
Success experts recently did a study to discover what successful people have in common...
...what makes people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and even Albert Einstein different from people who never reach their goals.
Here's what they discovered:
The common factor between millionaires, geniuses, and successful artists & athletes is NOT hard work.
The truth is, millions of people work hard. But only a few people turn their dreams into reality.
They're missing the #1 thing people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Albert Einstein have in common.
And if they only knew the secret, they could replicate that level of success... on autopilot.
I want you to know the "no hard work" secret to success:
>>>Find out Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein's shared success secret [LINK]
Make sure you check this out right now, because I don't know how long it'll be up.
Plus, it's so simple, you can start using it TONIGHT.
>>>Find out Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein's shared success secret [LINK]
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
SUBJECT: Learning this 1 fact turned my life around
SUBJECT: The 1 thing millionaires have that you don't
SUBJECT: Do you have this "millionaire trait"?
Hi, it's [NAME] here,
My friend Eric Taller - an author, life coach, and success expert - just told me about the 1 simple fact that turned his life around.
He used to slave away, barely working for minimum wage while his health and his personal life were falling apart.
But then he discovered the 1 fact that sets successful people apart from unsuccessful people:
Successful people know how to put their brains into the "Theta State." That's the state your brain is in during deep sleep, or hypnosis.
>>>How to use the "Theta State" to adjust your brain for success without hard work [LINK]
It's how you can talk directly to your subconscious, and effortlessly amp up your creativity, ingenuity, and all-around positivity... so you'll start attracting success, and you'll watch your dreams turn into your reality.
All it takes is a 3-minute trick, and soon you'll be manifesting more wealth, happiness, and success than you ever thought possible.
Click the link below to discover this 3-minute trick:
>>>How to use the "Theta State" to adjust your brain for success without hard work [LINK]
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
SUBJECT: Your Thought Elevators Success Package
SUBJECT: Stanford University reveals 3-minute success secret
SUBJECT: A scientifically proven 3-minute success trick
Hi, it's [NAME] here,
I've got something brilliant to share with you.
My friend Eric Taller - a life coach, author, and success expert - has put together a simple system that virtually guarantees your success.
It's based on research from Stanford University...
...and it explains why some people seem to achieve success without trying, while others slave away their entire lives and never reach their goals.
And it's uncovered the secret "Brain Elevation Technique" used by people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Albert Einstein to unlock their full potential and build their dreams.
Check it out here:
The best part is, Eric shows you step-by-step how to use this secret success formula. And he gives you a 3-minute trick to reshape your subconscious so you'll reach levels of creativity and ingenuity that would make Steve Jobs jealous.
So stop slaving away, day after day, and never seeing any results!
Start using Eric's Thought Elevators tonight, and take the hard work out of success.
To Your Ultimate Success & Abundance,
P.S. I don't know how long Thought Elevators is going to be available, so make sure you check it out right now.
Below you'll find high value articles that presells to the VSL. Send this to your subscribers to create goodwill, and watch how the articles indoctrinates the readers to watch the VSL intensely.
Finally, watch the sales come pouring in from your newsletter autoresponder.
VSL Affiliate Link: http://YOURCLICKBANKID.thoughtele.hop.clickbank.net
(Replace YOURCLICKBANKID with Your Clickbank ID to connect to your account!)
SUBJECT: Tear Down These 3 "Success Floodgates" To Flood Your Life With Success!
Do you realize how close you are to turning your dreams into your reality?
If you could see how close you are to success, you'd be kicking yourself that you haven't just reached out to grab it yet.
The truth is, no matter how much you feel like a failure, success is literally waiting to flood your life. The only thing you have to do, is tear down the "Success Floodgates" holding it back.
If we choose someone successful to look at as an example, like Steve Jobs, we'll see that he never made excuses. When things went wrong, he didn't blame other people. He didn't refuse to accept responsibility for his own mistakes. He didn't try to justify his poor choices.
He didn't make excuses because he understood that failure is going to happen. It's not the end of the road - it's one step on the road to success.
In fact, the next Success Floodgate you have to tear down is...
Like I already said, failure happens. But it's not a dead end - it's a step forward.
Too many people run into a tiny bit of failure, and they think they're done forever. They give up immediately, never realizing how close they were to achieving their goals.
The problem is, they take failure personally. They think it means something's wrong with them. But the truth is, failure is part of the journey to success.
That's why it's so important that you stop...
Think about it. Can you imagine Steve Jobs yelling at himself, saying that he's dumb, or lazy, or any of the other million insults people tell themselves? Of course not!
Successful people don't beat themselves up. They understand that taking your anger out on yourself only pushes your goals farther away. They still get upset, but they channel those emotions into constructive energy. They use that energy as jet fuel to reach their goals.
The truth about success is that you're closer than you think. Sometimes all it takes is tearing down the floodgates, so you can let your dreams pour in.
But there's an even easier way to turn your dreams into your reality, and it doesn't require hard work, stress, or struggle...
You won't believe the hidden connection that success experts recently discovered behind people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and even Albert Einstein.
Check out this free presentation on this new discovery that's changing the way people look at success, taking "hard work" out of the equation:
>>>Free Presentation: The "Brain Elevation" Secret to Success[LINK]
SUBJECT: 3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Are Hijacking Your Success
Sometimes the only things standing between you and success are a few lies.
In fact, it's the lies we tell ourselves that most often keep us from our dreams. Maybe we're afraid of success, maybe we don't think we deserve it, or maybe we don't think it's possible. Whatever the reason, if you get rid of the lies, pretty soon you'll watch your dreams turn into your reality.
Here are unquestionably the 3 worst lies you tell yourself that are hijacking your success:
I'm going to let you in on a little secret: nobody "knows" where to start. Steve Jobs didn't have anybody telling him exactly which step to take first. Donald Trump didn't drag his feet because he didn't know which property to buy first.
Successful people stop telling themselves they don't know where to start, and they make a decision. Have you ever heard "perfect is the enemy of good?" This is exactly what that's talking about. If you wait until you have the perfect plan, you'll miss hundreds of good plans that could have got you what you wanted.
If you want to see your dreams made real, you've got to stop telling yourself you don't know where to start.
Listen up: you don't need money to become a millionaire. You don't even need to be brilliant. Look at Richard Branson. He started Virgin Records as teenager, when he was flat broke. He's now worth $4.9 billion. And here's the kicker: he has dyslexia.
If a dyslexic teenager with no money can become a billionaire, then you can stop telling yourself that being broke is an excuse.
And faster than you ever thought possible, you won't have to think twice about your expenses - you'll have enough money to live the high life.
Sometimes you hear about great mentors who change people's lives, and then you look around and wonder where your mentor is. The sad fact is, not everyone finds one. But here's the good news: people reach their dreams without mentors every day. Think about it: Whatever your goal, the very first person to reach that goal didn't have a mentor. So you know it's possible.
Here's how to do it on your own:
Make Steve Jobs your mentor. Make Richard Branson your mentor. Hell, make Albert Einstein your mentor.
If you can figure out what they did to be successful, you'll see your deepest desires come true faster than you thought possible.
Actually, success experts have recently uncovered some uncanny similarities in what makes people like Steve Jobs successful...
It turns out, most millionaires, successful artists, and people living their dreams have one thing in common...
...and it's not "hard work."
They share a little-known secret about the brain.
If you're interested, check out this free presentation to see how you can use their secret to make your own dreams become reality.
>>>REVEALED: The Jaw-Dropping Secret Behind Millionaire Success (HINT: It's NOT Hard Work) [LINK]
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Thought Elevators is a secret system that uses a "Brain Elevation" technique to help you achieve success on autopilot.
It takes the secret key to success that comes naturally to people like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, and Richard Branson... and gives that key to regular people like you and me.
And it's all backed by neuroscience research from Stanford University.
Thought Elevators is a system of videos and audios that elevates your mind & thoughts, letting you take advantage of this secret key to success.
You'll effortlessly attract and achieve wealth, love, happiness, health, and any other goal you have.
The key to a fulfilling life of wealth and success is right in front of you, and I invite you to share it with your friends and subscribers.
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If you have any specific questions or need any special help from us to get the very best out of this promotion, our contact details are as follows:
Email Andrew Rusbatch: [email protected]
Skype Andrew: andrew.rusbatch
Email Mark Ling: [email protected]
Skype Mark: markling1979
Email Daniel Toh: [email protected]
Skype Daniel: hypnoticvsl
One of us will get back to you ASAP.
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